Managing people’s money requires unmatched visibility across a multitude of edge devices.
In the financial services industry, data and time equals money. Thousands of financial transactions on a variety of devices and platforms are processed every few seconds across your IT infrastructure. Financial services executives are entrusted by their clients to ensure availability, performance, and security of their operations — but how is that possible if you lack visibility and control?
Thousands of Edge Devices. One Simple Solution.
Centerity combines financial services edge devices and their supporting software applications and hardware stacks into business services views that enable you to simply connect, secure, monitor and manage your distributed enterprise edge. The Centerity Edge platform makes the job of business operations leaders and stakeholders, who are responsible for the revenue, market share, and satisfaction of customer-facing services, easier than ever.
Reward customers’ trust in your services
We combine technology health, performance, and security into a unified, data-rich dashboard to help you make smarter risk-based business decisions. The Centerity Secure AIOps platform increases visibility and reduces risk by collecting KCIs/KPIs from tools and applications; measures and improves SLAs, and proactively triages them to mitigate business impact; and reduces mean-time-to-detect (MTTD) and mean-time-to-repair (MTTR).