Public Sector
Optimizing service to constituents at the local, state, and federal level
Government agencies at all levels need to meet stringent technology, security, and regulatory requirements. Many of them are undergoing digital transformation initiatives that attempt to upgrade or altogether replace legacy systems without impacting their missions. Years of stovepipe and band-aid solutions, however, make IT visibility and control of data difficult and slow down modernization efforts.
Centerity’s Secure AIOps platform provides government agencies with comprehensive visibility and understanding of their IT infrastructure and how it impacts their mission. This level of insight allows for a quicker, smoother digital transformation journey for agencies while maintaining compliance and ensuring operational continuity of critical services.
We combine technology health, performance, and security into a unified, data-rich dashboard to help you make smarter risk-based business decisions. The Centerity Secure AIOps platform increases visibility and reduces risk by collecting KCIs/KPIs from tools and applications; measures and improves SLAs, and proactively triages them to mitigate business impact; and reduces mean-time-to-detect (MTTD) and mean-time-to-repair (MTTR).